Happy New Year everyone!
Guess what we have for 2021...
A 100% recycled plastic picnic table launch!!!

This table is a mix of HDPE plastic lids, bottles, tubs and fragments, basically 150kg of plastic prevented from going into landfill and/or further threatening wildlife such as our beautiful turtles and seabirds.
Now if we did our Maths right this equates to:
30,000 plastic lids/caps
2,500 medical pill bottles
Or 1,340 laundry detergent bottles.
As you may know majority of this table was made from recycled global marine debris plastic that washed ashore over time on one of our precious beaches from international waters, but also contributed by our very recycle supportive local community .
We would like to pay huge thanks and thumbs up to all our special friends for their support, skills and generosity and also to our supportive followers from afar!
Also, Dave Hakkens and the Precious Plastic team, thank you for sharing your knowledge and sparking #innovation all over the world in combating global waste.
If you like what you see let us know!
Some of the locals were coming up to check it out, so why don't you too?!
Please support eco friendly practices and minimise plastic purchasing where you can.